Heriot-Watt University has collaborated with BP plc in the preparation of the data for the BP Statistical Review of World Energy since 2007. The 2018 version of the Review is launched June 13th and you can now register for the launch webcast from this link. Previous webcasts of the Statistical Review…
A Behind-the-Scenes Look: Managing the Mountain of Data for the BP Statistical Review of World Energy
An article on how the BP Statistical Review of World Energy is done and what goes on behind the scenes has been published in The Way Ahead, the online magazine of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. To read the article, please follow this link.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015
For the ninth consecutive year, Heriot-Watt University has collaborated with BP plc in the preparation of the data for the company’s annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Researchers within the Centre for Energy Economics Research and Policy (CEERP) were involved in providing detailed statistical and analytical support for this…